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Pilot Whale served during the traffic control operation.

Pilot Whale served during the traffic control operation.

  • Friday, 05 August 2022
  • 0
  • 1319
  • 0

With the number of traffic incidents expected to increase as urban growth pushes road infrastructure and traffic congestion to critical capacity, authorities have begun to add unmanned aerial technology to their tool kits. 


Recently,the DS Innovations team members conveyed a joint operation with the local traffic department.Combining the law enforcement with the new Pilot Whale PRO surveillance technology,aiming to reduce the illegal driving and other incidents through out the year.


The technology is quite useful to us, after the operation,the captain from the local traffic police station commented as such,especially the object tracking technology of yours,that allowed us to identify the illegal drivers and prevent the traffic accident in time.Once more,the drone technology has proven to be the right choice.

Pilot Whale served during the traffic control operation. Pilot Whale served during the traffic control operation. 

Drone vtol

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